Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting It Right!

Question: What do we do when we fall off the horse?
Answer: Fuck riding horses.  Turn them into food.


          When you first start trying to prepare delicious meals, you will likely suck at it.  This is normal, okay, and not a huge worry.  Unless your mother spent time in a federal detention center for insider trading, you likely weren’t born with the skills needed to make food perfect right from the start.  If you happen to be the culinary equivalent of Superman, fuck you.  Dick.  Go back to being awesome.  The rest of us will work at trying to be as amazing as you while looking less retarded in tights.  

What a bag of dicks.

Try this stuff out on yourself or your friends (preferably the ones that love you enough not to punch you in the face if the food is bad) before feeding it to anyone.  This works especially well if you’ve all been drinking, heavily.  If your food tastes like ass, you’ll all laugh and make jokes about how you rubbed your balls in it before letting them eat it.  If it’s amazing, nothing makes a drunk happier than good food.  Drunks are also more likely to be honest with you.  If the aforementioned anyones  are already into you, they might not want to hurt your tender girly feelings, but they also won’t be nearly as turned on by your incredible Fat Kid prowess.  Nothing un-coitus’ someone faster than having to coddle you like your mom.  Buck up, test some shit out on you and your friends, and have a laugh.  The end bonus to all this: Regardless of your sexual indications, People dig confidence, so looking super confident while you’re cooking will get them turned on even before the food starts doing it.  That’s horny^2 if you’re into math. 

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